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Foundation activities in April

Last April, two teams of employees from Ontario and British Columbia mobilized around sports fundraisers. 

Climbing the CN Tower in Toronto for WWF Canada

On April 15, our colleagues Islam Khan and David Lo decided to climb the 1,776 steps of the CN Tower!  
A great success since they accomplished their mission in 41 minutes. A big congratulations to them because they did it for a good cause: Helping WWF Canada
Thanks to everyone's support, they managed to raise $598. 

With the increasing impacts of climate change and the risk of extinction of a million species in the world, it is important to take action. 
WWF is proposing to climb summits. Thank you to everyone who supported their action! 

Sun Run Race in Vancouver 

Kudos to the 16 people from our great AGF team who participated in the Vancouver Sun Run, running 10 km. They decided to go above and beyond for the Foundation by asking their colleagues, friends and the general public to support them with a donation. With everyone's support, we were able to raise $690 for the Working Gear Clothing Society

Working Gear Clothing Society provides workwear, safety gear and services like haircuts free of charge to low-income and unemployed individuals as they transition back into the workforce.

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