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Some ideas for getting involved…

Commitment arises from an emotion, an experience, and grows as we take concrete actions. 

We see the results and we realize that our contribution has an impact; we feel we can make a difference and improve the lives of others.

We also serve as role models and, by our commitment, we inspire, encourage and nurture commitment in those around us.


- Lili-Anna Peresa, president of Centraide and director, One Drop Foundation

Here are some ideas for getting involved in one or more causes:

Donate money. You can make a one-time donation to a cause important to you or have a weekly deduction taken automatically from your paycheque. And it’s tax deductible!

Combine enjoyment and engagement. Take part in activities that correspond to your likes and interests. For example, if you enjoy running, why not take part in races that raise funds for causes? Or if you’re a soccer fan, consider coaching a local team.

Donate your time. Organizations need volunteers to carry out occasional or regular tasks. You could take part in group activities like assembling Christmas hampers or a blitz to pick up litter at a local park.

Share your expertise. Your talents, knowledge and skills are worth their weight in gold! Become a trainer in a field you know well. For example, if you have an aptitude for planning, you could help organize events.

Donate objects. Your garage, attic and closets are probably full of stuff you no longer need, but that others might find very useful.

Choose causes or organizations that you care about. Then, find out what their needs are and how you can contribute.

Take the initiative. Do you have a good idea (fundraiser, benefit activity, etc.)? You’re probably the best person to do it, so go ahead!

Spread the word. If you find a project or organization you get excited about, distribute information to your friends and colleagues. It could have a snowball effect.