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The Mariverain Health Challenge

The Mariverain Winter Health Challenge Triathlon took place last February. On that occasion, Ecan Steel employees defied ATR Steel employees by inviting them to participate to that sport challenge.

It is therefore with an immense pleasure that our General Manager at ATR, Mr. Mario Spadafora, registered his designated athletes to the long distance challenge: a 6-kilometre foot race, a 16-kilometre cross-country ski race, and a 3.8-kilometre snowshoe race, for a total of 25.8 kilometres. The lucky ones chosen were: for the foot race, Alexandre Comeau, Technician, for cross-country skiing, Normand Côté, plant worker, and for the snowshoe race, Julie Bellemare, Production Assistant.

Even though I was hard on them as their trainer, the only fact that they participated to a run that I consider high-level makes them all champions. The participants represented the AGF Group successfully.

Regardless of the results, the healthy competition between ATR and Ecan continues.

Congratulations to all for your achievements!